miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014

Semana 8 Mío The way I roll October?

Welcome home.
This is where I´m working today, preparing this post to be published after midnight for our Artist´s Way project 2011.

How are your morning pages doing?
Mine are daily but not morning. There´s always something to do first. There´s even something to do before that.
I´ve been paying attention to the way I roll. I say "I have to do X". Then I do one thing before that. I even do something before the thing I decided to do before the first one. My thoughts go something like this: "I will write my morning pages now. Oh, it looks so pretty! I´ll show the girls. I need my camera to take a picture of the place I´m working in." So I go inside, I go where the camera is but ... I take a brush and finish the last bit of a piece that has been almost ready for over three weeks. WHYYYYYYYY now? I just couldn´t take another step if that piece wasn´t finished and out of my mind. I take the pic. I upload the pic. I also resize all the pics ... for next Friday. Yes, that´s right. NEXT FRIDAY. And it is Saturday. I still have six days but ... My morning pages you ask? Still undone. And it´s not even morning any more. *sigh*

martes, 1 de julio de 2014

Parte Check In 4 en inglés

Routine and order can be really important in our busy lives and creating habits like journaling or exercising can support us in moving healthily and positively towards our dreams.

But habits can also stop us from experiencing our everyday. We go through our routine so sleepily that we get to work and barely remember how we got there or what our breakfast tasted like. We go on automatic pilot as we clean our home, plan our meals, get to work, balance our budget, organize our to-do list, etc. And suddenly we’ve missed our morning, our day, our life!

My invitation to you this week is to break out of some of your habitual behaviours and experience the moment. I’m not suggesting that you throw your life out of whack, fall off the exercise wagon or live in chaos. What I am suggesting is that by playfully making a few simple changes to your routine, you can awaken yourself to experiencing each day and remind your brain that it can explore, discover and try new things.