miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014

Semana 8 Mío The way I roll October?

Welcome home.
This is where I´m working today, preparing this post to be published after midnight for our Artist´s Way project 2011.

How are your morning pages doing?
Mine are daily but not morning. There´s always something to do first. There´s even something to do before that.
I´ve been paying attention to the way I roll. I say "I have to do X". Then I do one thing before that. I even do something before the thing I decided to do before the first one. My thoughts go something like this: "I will write my morning pages now. Oh, it looks so pretty! I´ll show the girls. I need my camera to take a picture of the place I´m working in." So I go inside, I go where the camera is but ... I take a brush and finish the last bit of a piece that has been almost ready for over three weeks. WHYYYYYYYY now? I just couldn´t take another step if that piece wasn´t finished and out of my mind. I take the pic. I upload the pic. I also resize all the pics ... for next Friday. Yes, that´s right. NEXT FRIDAY. And it is Saturday. I still have six days but ... My morning pages you ask? Still undone. And it´s not even morning any more. *sigh*

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